About Us
We're on a mission to make cigars modern and approachable.
For me, cigars have always been about connecting people and celebrating the best parts of life. I fell in love with cigars in the hills of the Appalachian Mountains, sitting in rocking chairs and smoking with my brothers. I carried that fondness into college, where I built a reputation of bringing cigars to every occasion worth celebrating. I even started a business called Wake Cigar Company (Go Deacs!), selling cigar packs for Beach Weekend and game days. Cigars became a regular staple of any special moment, and eventually cigars become their own excuse for celebration.
After years of assembling my own cigar packs for weekend adventures, I decided to start Good Cigar Company.
It’s a simple concept: we find the best cigars from our favorite brands and factories, and we sell them in beautifully designed, humidity-sealed packaging with everything you need to light up and enjoy the cigar we’ve selected for you. Every pack includes a cutter, matches, detailed tasting notes and two perfect cigars - one for you and another one just like it to share.
We want to connect people with cigars, and we'd love to help you find the perfect cigar for your next celebration. Whether it's your best friend's bachelor party, your weekend golf round, or just a few packs for your home bar, we promise they'll be fresh, they'll arrive quickly, and they will be good.
Cigars for the People.
- Will McQuain
Founder, Good Cigar Co.